Ever wanted to play as the demon? Now you can!

- 8 different endings that require multiple playthroughs

- get a demon sigil that functions as a birth certificate

- risk management - the greater the glory, the higher the risk (speedrunners beware)

-evolve into a demon, lamia, succubus, satyr, archdemon or infernal deity

-serve the Demon Lord or take his place on the throne

- dethrone god or be a neet in the sloth district, there's something for everyone

-possess a person, make them blaspheme, annihilate the human race or even all races

- get rizzed up by a certain blue smooth talker

- get wings once worthy and soar through the skies

-solve a maze and navigate across the map without fear of fall damage

-only 2 deities can kill you

- catchy music that I totally haven't re-used a 100 times

Coming soon(?):

-graphic overhaul


Known bugs:

I forgot to put stairs in the bottom floor of 7 deadly sins area lol. Plz don't go down without wings.

Development log